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2023 Dry Conditions

Many Saskatchewan producers are facing challenges this growing season as dry conditions are negatively impacting crop potential, including forage crops.

SCIC is working with producers to discuss options with pre-harvest appraisals and putting crops to alternate use. Contact your local SCIC office to review the Program requirements before putting a crop to alternate use.

Putting your crop to an alternate use

SCIC understands the urgency in getting grain crops diverted to livestock feed. SCIC has flexible processes to support producers making timely, on-farm decisions for their operations. Contact your local SCIC office. Our staff will guide you through the process, which may include leaving checkstrips.

Request an Inspection

Producers decide what they want to do with their crop. If you would like to put your insured crop to an alternate use (baling, grazing, etc.) other than harvesting, please contact SCIC for a pre-harvest appraisal. An inspection must be requested, prior to putting your insured acres to an alternate use.

Learn more about Pre-Harvest Appraisals

Pre-Harvest Worksheet

To help make decisions for your crop, you may wish to take plant counts. A Pre-Harvest Worksheet is now available. Producers wishing to use this worksheet must still contact your local SCIC office if you intend to put the crop to an alternate use. This workbook is not intended to replace adjuster appraisals, but rather assist you when making farm decisions. Producer appraised yields are for information purposes only and will NOT be used for the claim or for future coverage.

Download Pre-Harvest Worksheet

Low Yield Appraisal – Changes For The 2023 Growing Season

For 2023, SCIC is doubling the Crop Insurance low yield appraisal threshold. This option is only available for customers who bale, graze or silage their crops (including cereals, pulses, canola and flax).

A pre-harvest appraisal occurs when your insured acres are put to an alternate use other than harvesting. If the appraised yield falls below the low yield appraisal threshold level, SCIC can reduce the final yield used in the claim calculation to zero. This threshold level is meant to reflect the approximate cost of harvesting a severely damaged crop.

Once completed, the appraised yield is amended to zero bushels per acres for the claim payment. The final appraised yield is used for future individual coverage calculations.

Livestock producers may gain access to feed sources from Crop Insurance customers who chose to put their crops to an alternative use. Producers are encouraged to contact their neighbouring operations to set up arrangements.

Doubled Low Yield Appraisal Levels:
HRSW 136 5 272 10
HWSW 136 5 272 10
Durum 136 5 272 10
Barley 152 7 304 14
Oats 154 10 308 20
Fall Rye 178 7 356 14
ESRS Wheat 136 5 272 10
Khorasan / Kamut® 136 5 272 10
Field Peas 136 5 272 10
Corn 203 8 406 16
Large Green Lentils 82 3 164 6
Lentils - Other 82 3 164 6
Red Lentils 82 3 164 6
Canary Seed 68 3 136 6
Spring Rye 178 7 356 14
Triticale 178 7 356 14
Winter Wheat 136 5 272 10
Fababeans 136 5 272 10
CPS Wheat 136 5 272 10
Desi Chickpea 82 3 164 6
Small Kabuli Chickpea 82 3 164 6
Large Kabuli Chickpea 82 3 164 6
Soybean 82 3 164 6
Alfalfa Seed 11 25 pounds 22 50 pounds
Flax 102 4 204 8
Canola 91 4 182 8
IP Canola 91 4 182 8

Update: Deteriorating canola and flax acres diverted to feed are now eligible for the doubled low yield appraisal. Please contact your local SCIC office.

Doubled Low Yield Appraisal Calculations

The doubled low yield appraisal is only available for customers who bale, graze or silage their crops (including cereals, pulses, canola and flax). Once a customer completes the alternate use for feed, the appraised yield is amended to zero bushels per acres for the claim payment.

For producers looking to put partial acres to alternate use for feed, a Pre-Harvest appraisal must be completed. Only baled, grazed or silage crops are eligible for a doubled low yield appraisal. If the appraised yield is below the double low yield appraisal threshold, the claim is set to zero. SCIC must account for all harvested and appraised production in the calculation of the customer’s claim.


Before you begin to graze, bale or silage your damaged crop, please contact your local SCIC office or call us at 1-888-935-0000.

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Report Wildlife Damage

Prior to harvest, please contact SCIC if you experience any crop damage due to wildlife and pests. All Saskatchewan producers may be eligible for compensation on damage to crops and livestock caused by wildlife.

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AgriStability Interim Benefit

To help manage the challenges associated with dry conditions, AgriStability participants may apply for the interim benefit option to access a portion of their 2023 benefit early. Producers enrolled in AgriStability for the 2023 year can access 50 per cent of their estimated final benefit. Also, in most cases, the additional expenses a producer incurs to procure additional feed is an eligible expense through the AgriStability Program.

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