News From SCIC
SCIC's Weather-Based Programs are designed to protect producers against weather-related risks. Programs include the Forage Rainfall Insurance Program, Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program, Intercrop Rainfall Insurance Program, Corn Rainfall Insurance Program and Corn Heat Unit Insurance Program.
The Crop Insurance Program continues to respond in times of need. Producers’ coverage and premium are individualized to their operation. Coverage reflects each producer’s production records and premium reflects each producer’s claim history.
Today, Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister (AAFC) Lawrence MacAulay and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit announced details of the 2024 Crop Insurance Program, administered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC).
Today, the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan announced forecasted payments under the suite of Business Risk Management Programs, administered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC).